My trip home was awesome! I had such a wonderful time seeing everyone but more importantly, I felt great throughout the entire trip! I was very comfortable on all my flights which was such a blessing. Once I started pushing the 30 week mark though I was getting anxious to get home. All I could think about was that Troy was born at 34 weeks and I had so much stuff to get finished here at home!
While in Florida I had a wonderful baby shower. It was a Rainforest theme and it was a lot of fun. It was well attended and the baby got so much stuff!! I ended up bringing home 85 lbs of baby stuff in 3 suitcases...good thing I didn't have to pay for all that luggage =) Here's a couple pictures:
Florida was nice too. I spent a lot of time relaxing and just taking care of myself. My mom took me to the spa, we spent a few days shopping, had some nice dinners with the Frank's and even got to see Aunt Jade and Uncle Don who were over from Panama City.
It was time for me to get home though. I went to the dr right away as she wanted to see me as soon as I got back. I gained 6 3 weeks!!! That really wasn't that bad when you consider that my total weight gain was 14 lbs...but the fact that I gained that in 3 weeks was rough! That was my first weight gain lecture from the doctor but I assured her it was just because I was on vacation.
I went back two weeks later, Sept.29, and I had gained 2 more we're up to 16. Still not goal is 20 and I've got 6 weeks to go. The doc is recommending 1 lb a week so as long as I can stick to that, I'm good. My next appointment is Tuesday, Oct 13...and then from there it is every week. I can't believe I'm already 34 weeks! The baby could really arrive now anytime. We're contemplating doing a 3-d/4-d ultrasound next week and getting a video.
Next of the baby's room!!
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